March 5, 2023: The True Dignity of Humanity

FOCUS TEXT: Genesis 1:26, 27; Psalm 8:1-9

KEY VERSE: For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor. -- Psalm 8:5

CENTRAL TRUTH: Humans are the central figure of God's creation.


  1. The Creation of Man (Genesis 1:26, 27)


  1. The Great God Takes Notice (Psalm 8:1-4)


III. The Dominion of Man (Psalm 8:5-9)

2023-02-27T18:47:53+00:00February 27th, 2023|Categories: Front Page, Lesson Highlights|Tags: , |0 Comments

What is the value of the human race in God's eyes?

In "Doctrinal Discussion" Jason Lindahl writes:

The dignity of humanity as the divine image-bearer has been under hell's attack for a very long time. The ancient Gnostics taught that matter was evil, including human bodies. The Hindus teach that in reincarnation, a person can return to earth as an insect or a lowly beast. According to Hinduism, it will take a very long time and much trial and error for a living form to escape this cycle of death and rebirth and somehow emerge pure and perfect. In all of this, salvation depends not upon a loving, personal God, but upon us. It is at this point that the Bible gives us the greatest testament to the value heaven places upon humanity. For God's Word tells us that the Father did not leave us to find a solution to our problems through endless years of struggle and reincarnation. Instead, He stepped into our world to provide the solution, and He did it by becoming a man! In the person of Jesus Christ, God became man and remains a man forever. God showed what incredible worth humanity has by taking on flesh and bone. He then laid down that physical body in death to provide us with “so great salvation” (Heb. 2:3).

Source: Building Christian Relationships: Adult Teacher's Insights, page 8.

2017-03-04T09:00:00+00:00March 4th, 2017|Categories: Lesson Highlights|Tags: , , |0 Comments

What are ways we neglect the dignity of humanity?

In "God's Word for Today" Gordon Snider writes:

Ever since the publishing of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of the Species in 1859, there has been an increasing tendency to treat people with less dignity than God intended. The problem is widespread in our society. Many of the ethical questions facing today's world — genetic engineering, abortion, and assisted suicide, to name a few — are the result of this tendency to treat people as things to be manipulated rather than beings to be honored and respected. Sadly, even Christians who take strong, biblical stands on these issues can fall prey to the same subtle temptation. Often, perhaps always, when we fail to show due consideration for others, we have yielded to the temptation to treat others as something less than human. When we use people to accomplish our goals, we have done the same. Abuse in almost any form begins with denying the God-given dignity of the other person.

Source: Building Christian Relationships: Adult Teacher's Insights, page 4.

2017-03-02T09:00:00+00:00March 2nd, 2017|Categories: Lesson Highlights|Tags: , |0 Comments

The True Dignity of Man

Lesson 1 - March 5, 2017
Focus Text:  Genesis 1:26, 27; Psalm 8:1-9
Central Truth: Man is the central figure of God's creation.
Objective: By the end of this lesson my students should be able to identify several reasons why God considers each person important.
Lesson Outline:

  1. The Creation of Man (Genesis 1:26, 27)
  2. The Great God Takes Notice (Psalm 8:1-4)
  3. The Dominion of Man (Psalm 8:5-9)
2017-02-27T09:00:00+00:00February 27th, 2017|Categories: Weekly Lesson Summaries|Tags: |0 Comments

The Story of Humanity

In "God's Word for Today" William Snider writes:

Romans 7 is, in all reality, a story of humanity. Faced with a sober assessment of his own nature, the troubled/convicted person seeks a peace which, he comes to understand, is beyond his reach. It is a painful moment of self-realization. The awareness of the human limitation aided by the awakening/convicting grace of God provides for a view of a struggle in the inner self. The quality of life being lived by the supplicant suggests that he is an awak-ened sinner, fleeing what Bunyan described as “the city of destruction.” In his self-promoted revolution, he meets with total defeat. First, he proposes to change the pattern of his past and commit himself to doing what is ethically right. Apparently confident in this resolution, he is surprised to discover that the law or reality of sin as a governing principle in his life makes it impossible for him to achieve his goal. Disappointed in his resolution and now aware of his weakness, he resolves to at least avoid that which is wrong as determined by obedience to the law. Whatever ideas he had of who he was in terms of righteousness, he now becomes aware that, despite intentions otherwise, not only can he not do right, but he cannot avoid doing wrong. The first revelation is disappointing at best, but the second is grounds for despair. Locked into an ever-revolving world of sin and death, he looks away from himself for assistance, but where to look? …

Source: Studies in Romans: Adult Teacher's Insights, pages 34-35.

2017-01-04T09:00:00+00:00January 4th, 2017|Categories: Lesson Highlights|Tags: |0 Comments
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