“For if by one man's offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:17).
The story is told of a young African boy who gave his teacher a beautiful sea shell for Christmas. As the teacher was admiring its delicate beauty, she inquired where the lad had found it. He told her there was only one place where such rare gems could be found, a bay several miles away. As she expressed her astonishment that he would go to such lengths to secure a gift for her, He replied, "Long walk, part of gift."
When we consider the great sacrifice that Jesus made for our redemption, it is hard for us to fathom the extent of His journey from heavenly majesty to earthly poverty. "For God so loved…" Not only did He provide redemption for our transgressions, but He also gives us the gift of righteousness as part of the package deal. He is so far above us, yet He came all the way to earth to present himself as a sacrifice for our sins. (Daniel Edwards)
God looked from the throne of heaven,
Saw the clay his hands had formed;
Love flowed from his heart of mercy,
As he viewed man bruised and torn,
So, He wrapped himself in glory,
Tied it with a bow of flesh,
Tucked it in a lowly manger,
Jesus was his Christmas best.
(Daniel P. Edwards)
He came all the way for me!
This devotional is the Thursday, September 8, 2016 entry of Opening the Word.
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