October 9, 2024: Abraham Called God’s Friend

Read Isaiah 41:8-20.

“But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend” (v. 8).

Hearing the words “friend of God,” we immediately ask: “What outstanding characteristics marked the relationship between God and Abraham?”  On the part of God, we see that God made great promises to Abraham, though he did not, nor do we, comprehend the magnitude of those promises. God proved His faithfulness to Abraham. God understood Abraham’s frustration, though He did not approve of Abraham’s attempts to “help God” fulfill His promises. God heard Abraham’s intercession, demonstrated in Abraham’s interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah.

On the part of Abraham, we note that Abraham communed with God, and God rewarded him for doing so through divine appearances. Abraham worshiped God, shown, in part, by his altar building at Shechem, Bethel, Hebron, and most significantly at Mt. Moriah. On several occasions, Abraham, the man of faith, resorted to human means, but God was the anchor in his life. Abraham’s outstanding demonstration of trust was most dramatically seen on Mt. Moriah when he obeyed God and placed his son of promise, Isaac, on the altar of sacrifice. When God tests us, He is not testing us so He can know what we are, but rather to prove who He is and that His grace is sufficient to strengthen us in what seems humanly impossible.

The overarching proof of Abraham’s friendship with God was not his works but his faith, and because of his faith, there were works. (LRW)

 “Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God” (James 2:23).

2024-10-09T17:05:01+00:00October 9th, 2024|Categories: Opening the Word|0 Comments

June 12, 2024: Example of Unity

Read John 17:20-23.

“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;” (v. 20)

“When I first went out to my mission field in Africa,” related Dr. Green, “the boat carried me up a wide, beautiful river flowing through the jungle, and as night came on, I listened with many misgivings to the roll of war drums. They continued far into the night. The captain of the boat felt uneasy and tried to discourage me from going ashore. I admit I was trembling with fear. But I found that ‘the Lord standeth within the shadows keeping
watch above His own.’ After years of delightful labor, I left the jungle on the same boat. As it came down the river, thousands of these same natives gathered on the shores near their villages to say farewell. As the boat came into sight, they broke into song, but not a war song. A united group of believers could be heard singing, ‘All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.’” Someday, we will stand before God’s throne, singing praises to our King, in a mass choir with believers from every corner of the planet.
The size of the Church will not impress the world. The inward union expressing one mission will impress them. It is a unity of hope for the future, for humanity, and the promise of someday being where Jesus is. The Gospel creates a unity of faith with our
Father, our Savior, our Holy Spirit, and our fellow believers. Me plus three or me plus the Trinity are a formidable force. With God’s help, nothing shall be impossible! (Beverly Tatum)

“Feed the hungry, heal the heart,
Till the morning's beam;
White as wool, 'ere they depart,
Shepherd, wash them clean.”
--- Lyman Brackett

Sheep are necessary for a shepherd, even as a shepherd is necessary for a flock.

2024-06-12T16:28:06+00:00June 12th, 2024|Categories: Opening the Word|0 Comments

May 22, 2024: Choose Only the Best

Read Luke 10:38-42.

“But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (v. 42).

Life is filled with details that claim our time and exhaust our energy. At the end of the day, we sag in our recliner with a sigh, having had life dictated to us by the trivia of multiplied moments. In our lesson, Martha busied herself with things that mattered to her and assumed those concerns to be those of Jesus. So she hastily prepared lunch. Her actions were not sinful, but rather, were very well intended. But Jesus said that Mary, who sat at his feet, enjoying his presence and listening to his words, had chosen the “best” part.
Some things have eternal dimensions, while other things are time-locked. Perhaps today, you will meet the challenge of distinguishing between the two. Imagine Jesus sitting in your house, looking over your shoulder, and evaluating your value judgments. Would he say that, like Mary, you have chosen “the best part,” or would He gently chide your well-intentioned efforts by suggesting that you are living life for the “now” rather than the “then?” Lunch won’t matter in heaven, but sitting at the feet of Jesus will. (William Snider)
Engage this roving, treacherous heart.
To fix on Mary’s better part,
To scorn the trifles of the day
For joys that none can take away.
--- Philip Doddridge

“Things which matter most
must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”
--- Johann Wolfgant von Goeth

2024-05-22T18:25:21+00:00May 22nd, 2024|Categories: Opening the Word|0 Comments

May 16, 2024: Christ States His Authority

Read Matthew 28:8 – 18.

“And Jesus answered and spake unto them, saying, ‘All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth’” (v. 18).

No one in the universe can make the above statement except God Himself, and in this case, the blessed Son of God, Jesus. But when Jesus makes the declaration, write it down, make a note of it, for it is truth.

Especially in the political world, many talking heads proclaim their power, influence, wealth, wisdom, and authority. They all must fall silent before the throne of our exalted Christ, Who only has ultimate authority. Pilate thought he had the power of life and death, but Jesus told him he would have no control if he did not receive it from above. Pilate must find out that, in Jesus's name, every knee must bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord.

For anyone else to make the claim Jesus makes would mark that person as grievously absurd; for Jesus to claim all power creates anthems of praise in the minds and hearts of believers. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. (Leonard Sankey)

“Let all who name Christ’s holy name
give God all praise and glory;
Let all who own His power
proclaim aloud the wondrous story.”
--- Johann J. Schutz/Frances E. Cox

2024-05-16T16:45:41+00:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: Opening the Word|0 Comments

May 8, 2024:

Read Luke 9:28-36.

Prayer Brought the Glory

“And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered,

and his raiment was white and glistering” (v. 29).

   “Prayer Changes Things” is a famous saying found in various graphic formats posted on social media, hanging in churches, displayed in homes, and stocked for sale in many places of business. Even though that may be true, of greater importance is the fact that sincere, devoted prayer changes people – especially the ones doing the praying.

Have you ever met the “Man with the shining face?”  Jesus prayed while His disciples slept but were awakened by the shining light emanating from Him as He prayed. That light can also be ours if we invest time with the Master in prayer.

One of the unforgettable memories from my childhood churches is of the saints in earnest prayer. It seemed that their faces were glowing as they forgot about their surroundings and brought us all into the presence of God. Peter's sentiment was very real as we children (at least this one) wanted to stay in that atmosphere of God’s glory and never return to the struggles of life beyond the prayer room. (Harold Carpenter)

“And He walks with me, and He talks with me,

and He tells me I am His own;

And the joy we share as we tarry there,

none other has ever known.”

--- C. Austin Miles


Pray until your tabernacle is filled with God’s glory and spills over into your daily life.

2024-05-06T16:41:33+00:00May 8th, 2024|Categories: Opening the Word|0 Comments

May 2, 2024: Characteristics of Fruitfulness

Read Philippians 1:8-11.
“Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God” (v. 11).

“May you always be doing those good, kind things that show you are a child of God,” one author paraphrases the first words of today’s text – filled to overflowing with the actions and attitudes that bring glory to our Heavenly Father.
How can we overflow like that? Paul gives us the key in the preceding two verses. First, our love is to abound more and more. This is God’s agape love, the chief characteristic of His presence in us. He gave it to us when He saved us (Romans 5:5) and wants it to grow and bless others. Second, we are to “approve things that are excellent” – not just good things or better things, but excellent things. The Greek here indicates approval after testing; God wants us to compare ideas, doctrines, actions, and choose those that best exemplify His Person and teaching.
Perhaps we could paraphrase the paraphrase and say: May you always be growing in divine love, always testing, approving, and practicing the most excellent graces and doctrines, so that by them you may portray to others the righteousness that God places in our hearts; and thus, you will glorify and honor Him.
Our fruitfulness should be a picture of love and of a high quality of spiritual life. It will honor God and attract others to Him. (Steven Hight)

Loving excellently – what greater thing could we do?

2024-05-02T19:13:51+00:00May 2nd, 2024|Categories: Opening the Word|0 Comments

April 24, 2024: Hope Encouraged

Read John 14:1-6.

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again,
and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (v. 3).

The disciples of Jesus were having a bad day! Jesus was still with them; they could see and touch him. He had just washed their feet. But all that good news had been negated by the bad news of 13:32: Jesus was soon going to leave them. And worse yet, Jesus had predicted that one of them would betray Him. It all made no sense to their worldview, and their confidence about the future disappeared like the morning dew. Like the psalmist in our verse yesterday, their spirits were “cast down within them.”
Jesus immediately begins the process of building their confidence on a firmer foundation. It is as though Jesus is saying in these opening verses of John 14, “Can you only trust me when you can see me?” It is a question he is asking to each of us!
Jesus wanted His disciples, including us, to understand that His Word should be a greater source of confidence than His presence. For Jesus, absence does not make the heart to wander. He is working just as much for us in His absence as in His presence! It is far better to be present with Him “there” than for Him to be present with us here. It was not until after Pentecost that the disciples were able to grasp what Jesus was saying. May the Holy Spirit also help us place more confidence in His Word than in His presence. (Gordon Snider)
“Time is filled with swift transition.
Naught of earth unmoved can stand.
Build your hopes on things eternal.
Hold to God’s unchanging hand.”
--- Jennie Wilson

2024-04-24T16:13:13+00:00April 24th, 2024|Categories: Opening the Word|0 Comments

March 27, 2024: Appearance tp the Disciples

Read John 20:19-23.

“Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you” (v. 19).

“Look, see who’s coming!” You and I know people whose entrance into a room changes the atmosphere. Some bring negativity with them – they look like they are about to fire the first shot into an otherwise tranquil crowd. Others bring in optimism – their first words upon entering bring hope. We hope that through the power of the resurrected Lord, we will be ambassadors of peace.
Exhausted by the emotions associated with Christ’s death and the haunting question, “What now?” the disciples huddled together in fear and uncertainty. Into that setting came the One who was the focus of their emotions. The transformative entrance of Christ can hardly be imagined.
Several things of significance happened in that room. They received proof of who Jesus was – He showed them His hands and side, v. 20. They received His purpose for them – “So send I you,” v. 21. They received power – “He breathed on them,” v. 22. They received principles for preaching reconciliation (Only God can forgive sins.), v.23. They received what was likely their greatest and immediate need – peace, vs. 19 and 21. Without peace, the things mentioned above are devalued. We must have His peace. The peace of Christ is the foundation upon which we can fabricate Christian character and ministry. (Lonnie Witt)
What a treasure I have In this wonderful peace,
Buried deep in the heart of my soul,
so secure that no power Can mine it away,
While the years of eternity roll!
--- Warren Cornell

Don’t huddle privately. Proclaim publically!

2024-03-27T16:14:17+00:00March 27th, 2024|Categories: Opening the Word|0 Comments

March 20, 2024: The Savior Reigns

Read John 1:43-51.

“Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel” (v. 49).

What is your highest priority – the thing that matters most to you? While worship is a little challenging to define, One might say who or what you worship answers that question.
My paternal grandparents were poor people. My last memory of them was visiting them in a tiny house in Portland, Oregon. A house sided with tar paper and very sparsely furnished. What stands out even more is that, at the death of my grandmother, her five daughters-in-law created great tension over who received the remaining items. There were only a few cooking utensils, like an electric skillet, coffee pot, dishes, and cooking pots. The controversy became so heated that some of the women didn’t speak to each other for an extended time.
These women’s homes were much better than my grandmother’s and were evidently better off than my grandparents. What generated the heat and conflict? It seems their hearts were set on the material world rather than the eternal.
What you will create conflict over is a testimony of what or whom you worship. (GCS)
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
--- Helen Howarth Lemmel

Is the Lord Jesus the God reigning in your life,
or does this world control you?

2024-03-20T15:38:18+00:00March 20th, 2024|Categories: Opening the Word|0 Comments

March 13, 2024: The Disagreeing Witnesses

Read Mark 14:53-65.
“For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together” (v.56).

“It is a little three-cornered thing inside of me,” explained the Native American. “When I do wrong, it turns round and hurts me very much. But if I keep doing wrong, it will turn so much that the corners become worn off, and it does not hurt me anymore.” This description of a conscience might be amusing, but it is significant and precise. These false witnesses must have been driven by bribes or promised prestige. Every man has his price. You don’t have to buy an honest person: he costs you nothing!
The Gospels record that Jesus was examined in four trials before He was finally put to death. First before Annas, a former high priest, then this trial before high priests and religious leaders; next, He stood before Pilate (twice), and finally before Herod Antipas. Jesus had to endure a long night of false accusations and torture under brutal religious and political figures.
Overriding their conscience and listening to the noisy crowd, these evil leaders refused to recall the miracle accounts of the lame made to walk, the dumb given speech, and the dead risen again. Jesus went about doing good! If you went about doing good, that would be a convincing and gracious testimony of God’s grace. As clearly is shown in this account, even innocent Jesus was misunderstood and falsely accused of a crime to fit in with man’s plan for His death. We can fully trust and lean upon our Savior, who willingly stood trial for our sins! (Beverly Tatam)
There are days so dark that I seek in vain
For the face of my Friend divine;
But though darkness hide, He is there to guide
By the touch of His hand on mine.
--- Jessie Pounds

“Relying on God has to start all over every day
as if nothing has yet been done.” (C. S. Lewis)

2024-03-13T15:47:22+00:00March 13th, 2024|Categories: Opening the Word|0 Comments
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