Read Psalm 33:18 – 22.
“Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee” (v. 22).
If you have time, read this entire psalm, which is a tribute to God in His offices of Creator, Controller, Consummator, Counselor. David exalts His mighty works and calls the entire earth to His worship.
But when we step away from the Divine Superintendency of all things, the world is a bleak and empty lowland, whether in politics, religion, economics, education. What a distressing view! And even in our personal lives, whatever we may trust in this life…good health, material comfort, a strong system of support, years of Christian living - all are false confidences unless they are buoyed up by our trust in God.
Let us, also, call out for the mercy of the Lord to be upon us as we hope in Him. (Leonard Sankey)
“My hope is renewed, my faith becomes strong,
The closer I walk to Him.” - Haldor Lillenas
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick,” but hope achieved makes the heart sing. Proverbs 13:12
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