Biblical hope is an unshakable assurance that God works all things together for good for those who are called according to His purposes. It is the belief that there is a future with and in Jesus regardless of circumstances. Hope is faith in the future tense. That means that most of faith is hope. The Bible says, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom. 10:17). This suggests that hope is strengthened by the Word of God much like faith. Hope comes from reading the Word of God. Hope comes from digesting the great promises of God. Hope comes by developing a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our hope is a reflection of the trust we have in God and our confidence in His Word. The biblical definition of hope in noun form is “expectation,” and it indicates what is sure or certain. In verb form, it is “expect with confidence.” It is a confident expectation of what is certain.
Certain questions must then be asked: Can you explain what your hope is? Have you determined on what you base your hope? Do you clearly understand what your hope is so that if asked you could give a concise and reasonable answer?
Discussion: *What are three reasons upon which you base your hope in Christ and eternal life?
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