In "Word Focus" Dr. Glenn McClure writes:

Stewardship is the necessary discipline of every human being if life is to have order and meaning. There are two elements in our lesson that help us to see the concept of being faithful stewards. The first is found in the word vessel (vs. 3-6) and, although it does not refer directly to a person here, its meaning symbolizes perfectly the idea of a good steward. The root idea of the Hebrew word vessel (keeliym) is “to bring a process to completion,” that is, a process carried out in full. The word is used of armor, clothing, jewels, instruments, tools, weapons, sacks, furniture, and carriages. It is something prepared to accomplish a particular end. This is how believers should consider themselves — vessels filled or prepared to fulfill a designed purpose.

Source: Biblical Family Values, Adult Teacher's Insights, page 52.