Read Mark 14:53-65.
“For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together” (v.56).
“It is a little three-cornered thing inside of me,” explained the Native American. “When I do wrong, it turns round and hurts me very much. But if I keep doing wrong, it will turn so much that the corners become worn off, and it does not hurt me anymore.” This description of a conscience might be amusing, but it is significant and precise. These false witnesses must have been driven by bribes or promised prestige. Every man has his price. You don’t have to buy an honest person: he costs you nothing!
The Gospels record that Jesus was examined in four trials before He was finally put to death. First before Annas, a former high priest, then this trial before high priests and religious leaders; next, He stood before Pilate (twice), and finally before Herod Antipas. Jesus had to endure a long night of false accusations and torture under brutal religious and political figures.
Overriding their conscience and listening to the noisy crowd, these evil leaders refused to recall the miracle accounts of the lame made to walk, the dumb given speech, and the dead risen again. Jesus went about doing good! If you went about doing good, that would be a convincing and gracious testimony of God’s grace. As clearly is shown in this account, even innocent Jesus was misunderstood and falsely accused of a crime to fit in with man’s plan for His death. We can fully trust and lean upon our Savior, who willingly stood trial for our sins! (Beverly Tatam)
There are days so dark that I seek in vain
For the face of my Friend divine;
But though darkness hide, He is there to guide
By the touch of His hand on mine.
--- Jessie Pounds
“Relying on God has to start all over every day
as if nothing has yet been done.” (C. S. Lewis)
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