Read Luke 10:1-12
“The harvest is truly great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest” (v. 2).
The harvest . . . the laborers. Christ's harvest is great both in its immensity and its intensity. The sheer population of eternal souls needing Jesus today is staggering. Missiologists tell us that there are an estimated 2.2 billion self-professing Christians worldwide. Even if these figures are accurate, that leaves two-thirds of the world still unreached. But not only is the harvest great in its immensity; it is great in its intensity. The needs of people are so deep and the chains of sin so strong that the task often seems overwhelming and impossible.
Pray . . . the Lord of the harvest that he will send. The project of human redemption is truly the most ambitious task ever undertaken. Due to both its immensity and its intensity, it cannot be accomplished by mere human intervention, creativity, or even sheer hard work. It will require divine intervention. The most powerful tool we have is prayer. Ironically, the disciples became the answer to their prayer for harvesters. (See Luke 10:3.) We cannot pray for harvesters without becoming one ourselves. If you want to see more done for the kingdom, begin with prayer and prepare to go! (Don D Callaway)
Here am I send me;</ br>Here am I send me;</ br>Use me in your harvest, Lord.</ br>Send me where you desire</ br>Fill my soul with holy fire,</ br>Here am I, O Lord, send me!</ br>— Don Callaway
This devotional is the Tuesday, August 1, 2017 entry of Opening the Word.
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