Throughout history, many have concluded that Romans is the most profound document ever written.
Perhaps more than any other book of the Bible, Romans has been the instrument God has used to save the souls and shape the minds of Christianity's towering giants -- individuals such as Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wesley.
This letter has been rightly called "The Christian's Constitution." If anyone wants an exacting presentation of the key truths of the Christian faith, there is no better book to consult than Romans.
The Book of Romans has a logical and specific sequence in thought. It starts with the fact of sin, follows that up with the good news of salvation, moves to teaching on sanctification, delves into the issue of divine sovereignty, and closes with guidelines for Christian service.
Its major message is the revelation of God's righteousness to sinners and imparting that righteousness to those who experience faith in Jesus Christ. The writer, Paul, introduced this grand theme by the words, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek" (1:16).
The biblical truths of Romans are not all in the pleasant category. Some are ugly and grim. Others are beautiful and majestic. But they are truths that we need to hear and face in the 21st century!
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