In "Doctrinal Discussion" Don Callaway writes:
Naming a church can be an important step toward expressing the mission, personality, and goals of the congregation. Contemporary names of churches usually include terms like “hope,” “grace,” “faith,” or “community” in an attempt to make a public statement of an important quality of the gospel that church wants to promote. In a neighboring town, a local non-denominational church was established several years ago. The name they chose was “The People's Church.” Likely this name was chosen to convey the openness of the gospel that the church is committed to promote — whoever comes is welcome. However, the name also suggests that they are the sole owners and decision-makers of the congregation. If this human-centered philosophy of the church is the real message of the church, they have missed the whole meaning of the church.
Source: Building Christian Relationships: Adult Teacher's Insights, page 8.
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