Read Matthew 19:13-15
“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (v. 14).
During my years as a faculty member in private, church-supported schools, I have had several pastors/headmasters, but there was one whose life had a very special feature, especially in a world like we know today. His wife was a master Sunday school teacher who often wrote Sunday school lessons for publication. His older daughter was a missionary, and his younger daughter was a young mother who was an expert church pianist. He was a great pastor and administrator. What was his special feature? He was saved at the age of four, later sanctified, and held on all the years of his ministry and life I know about.
The ideas of some people about children are astounding. Some believe young children are incapable of responding to God’s call to salvation. Note the illustration. Some even believe a young child should not be taken to church at all. Readers! They should be taken to church as soon as they are able to go, and given every opportunity to come to God. To fail in this is to disobey the Savior’s clear command! (Joel Miller)
How better off we’d be,
Were everyone just like them. - Joel E. Miller
Jesus loves the children, every one of them!
This week's featured devotional is the Monday, March 24, 2014 entry of Opening the Word. Order your copy!
Photo Credit: This image of children in Ghana, West Africa, was taken during the 2012 missions trip by Church of God (Holiness) World Missions.