Read John 17:9-21
“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (v. 21).
I was just reflecting on a friend who recently passed away. “You know,” I said to my wife, “he was a little crazy about that one thing.” I hurried to say that he was indeed a great man and a good Christian brother, but that one thing befuddled me. It just did not fit. What I had done over the years, was just carefully wrap that aspect up in a nice little bundle and slide it onto a back shelf of my mind where I stored things I did not really understand. I did not allow it to factor into how I interacted with him.
Just think how much God puts up with us. As we allow Him to work in our lives, sometimes the progress is slow. That may be because we are hesitant and may struggle. However, it may be that we are not in a place where God can effectively get through to us as He needs to. It may take a while. God is a very patient God!
The bottom line is that we all have some stupid stuff that needs work. Yes, even Christians. We are real people in real relationships and with real differences. Accept that. But none of our differences should keep us from experiencing the common bond we have as Christians. (Ken Farmer)
This devotional is the Thursday, April 30, 2015 entry from Opening the Word.
Photo credit: "DSC_0017" by Ted used under CC BY-SA 2.0 / Resized, text added.