In "God's Word for Today" William Snider writes:
The basis of Paul's appeal for consecration is “the mercies of God.” John Bowring wrote, “In the cross of Christ I glory, Tow'ring o'er the wrecks of time. All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime.” Wesley said when dying, “I the chief of sinners am, but Jesus died for me.” The cross is the epic moment of history for the world at large and the individual Christian in particular. We are forever dependent upon the cross. Because of the cross, we owe Him everything. While the theology of the cross is compelling to consider, it issues in a practical assignment. “Present your bodies.” Barclay observed that true worship is not ritual; rather, it is the offering of the body every day. The body is the instrument of service. Such an offering is not salvation by works, but rather, an appropriate response.
Source: Studies in Romans: Adult Teacher's Insights, page 65.
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