Feb. 22, 2023: Spiritual Vision
Read 2 Corinthians 3:12-18.
Spiritual Vision
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (v. 18).
Probably everyone who reads this has visited one of the stores, which is a part of the world’s largest retailer, but not everybody has had the privilege to be greeted by Wesley. His radiant smile shines beautifully from his brown face. It is very evident that his smile is backed by internal joy. He’s the brightest spot in the store and he does his best to brighten the day of every shopper he greets.
In today’s text, Paul speaks of the transforming power of the glory of the Lord. He declares, what we already know, that those who spend time with God reflect His image and glory.
How do we do that? When we read and study God’s Word, we should not be driven by a desire to have fodder to win spiritual arguments, to find support for doubtful behavior, or to merely say we read our daily quota. We should let God speak through His Word. Time spent in His Word is transforming! As well, other means of grace are transformative. Without question, meeting humbly before God in prayer beautifies the believer, as does the outflow of joy from a praise-filled life. (Lonnie Witt)
Tho’ like others, you’re not gifted, You can shine;
Every cloud can soon be lifted, You can shine;
Jesus promised grace to aid you, You can shine;
Trusting all to Him who made you, You can shine.
When your heart with love is glowing, You will shine;
When His love you’re daily showing, You will shine;
When this saddened world is brightened, By the rays of light divine,
If you really have the blessing, You will shine.
--– Charles Tillman
God help me to walk with you in obedience,
so my countenance bears witness of God’s glory.