Spring 2023: Building Christian Relationships

     In a day of superficial friendships and a selfish understanding of love, it is important to have a biblical understanding of how to build lasting relationships. A wise person is always involved in the challenging business of building relationships. Everyone needs the relaxed enjoyment, acceptance, stability, and security of ongoing, long-lasting relationships that have been kept in good repair.
     The soaring divorce rate is only one indication among many that we know a great deal more about technology than about the tough business of establishing quality relationships that not only endure the test of time but overcome it by becoming increasingly meaningful.
How can we build quality relationships which will forge unbreakable links that enable us to become what God intends us to be? In God's Word we have a treasury of truth about building Christian relationships as they affect our neighbor, home, society, work, money, government, public life, and the church.
    In this quarter of lessons on "Building Christian Relationships" we examine God's Word to discover values and principles we can apply to our friendships and relationships, at whatever stage of life we find ourselves. Ultimately, all relationships in this world are based on loving others in the name of our Lord Jesus and with His love as our standard.

2023-02-27T16:49:08+00:00February 27th, 2023|Categories: Quarter Topic|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Dedication of the Tabernacle

Read Exodus 40:17-38

“Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (v. 34).
There is a good feeling in tackling a work that takes care of a need. There is yet a bigger reward in finishing it. When something is built, there is a glory that goes to the contractor that does an excellent job. Many people usually give compliments on the good work. But when one acts in direct obedience to God, there is a glory from heaven that fills the soul almost to bursting.
“Moses finished the work” (v. 33). Then a cloud came and sort of hid the tabernacle. Sometimes a bit of gloom comes when we don’t expect it. But God has a reason for everything. This cloud may have helped cover the glory of the Lord that came and filled the tabernacle. That glory was so rich in splendor and power that Moses was not able to enter the “tent.” Moses, who had talked to God personally, and had been in His presence until his face shone, could not take this!
Why did God come in such glory? Moses and the men had just built Him a home. When young people go off to college sometimes they take some family pictures and a few other things to help them feel more at home. Well, God just wanted to bring a little of heaven with Him! (L. Wayne Covert)
A little girl, walking with her father on a starry night, when asked what she was thinking, said, “I was thinking that if the wrong side of heaven is so glorious what must the right side be?”
2018-10-24T09:00:19+00:00October 24th, 2018|Categories: Opening the Word|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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