The Way, Truth, and Life Sunday school material was developed on a seven year cycle. We are actually starting through the cycle the fourth time. Consequently the Board of Publications has decided that we need to significantly update or develop a new curriculum. We have decided to do a little of both. So far we are planning to keep the quarter themes as they have been, but in some cases the lessons will be totally new, such as in a quarter that will be coming up in the fall on the sermons of the Bible.
In addition to new Bible texts, and hence new objectives, we are experimenting with a total change in format. A recurrent request is that our lessons would focus more on application. Another concern is that our lessons lend themselves more to a lecture format than to a discussion format. We have been working to address both concerns.
Attached is a sample lesson for the adult student class. We would love to hear your thoughts about this new format. At present our plan is to update one quarter per year to the new format, but if the demand warrants a speedier transition we are prepared to do that.
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New Adult Student Sunday School Lesson Format
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