Thursday, July 20
Read Acts 8:1-4.
“Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word” (v. 4).
Stephen had been stoned to death, and Saul assiduously sought to harm all Christians. Saul knew that Christian believers often grouped together. So, they began to scatter for safety.
Providentially, the Gospel would spread faster. Soon Saul would have a divine encounter with God, and Paul’s ministry would begin to spread to the Gentiles. Paul would influence the established churches to have their own leadership and outreach. A former persecutor of Christians, redeemed by God, would further the Gospel throughout the region and beyond.
We, as Gentiles, are beneficiaries of Paul’s ministry. God used a corrupt man to spread a powerful message through his own unique redemptive story. The Bible continues to tell Paul’s story throughout the ages because it was so consequential in disseminating the Gospel. Many of us have redemption stories to share, which might also lead someone to redeeming grace. Be encouraged to tell how Jesus completely changed your life through someone’s prayers and ministry.
I was adrift in a sea of doubt She came along, to lift me out
Who is this God she talks about?
She shared her story, and I shared mine We developed a trust over time
As a result, I’m no longer blind. (JEH)
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