Read Luke 8:40-42, 49-58
“And her spirit came again, and she arose straightway: and he commanded to give her meat” (v. 55).
Jairus’ daughter was just entering into young womanhood, and now she was dead. Mocking Jairus for bringing Jesus to his home to heal his daughter, the mourners were loudly scornful of Jesus. They had no respect for the Lord or His power. The mockery did not hinder Jesus’ power. Out of the public eye yet in the presence of her parents and the disciples Peter, James, and John; Jesus touched the maiden’s hand and called her to arise. Jesus honored Jairus’ faith and restored life to his daughter.
According to established Jewish traditions, Jesus should have been considered “unclean” and to have lost His spiritual power because of being touched by the woman with the issue of blood. Yet Jesus had not lost any of His spiritual power; He remained undefiled, the pure and sinless Son of God able to raise Jairus’s daughter from death by the touch of His hand. (LeAnn Davison)
The crowd laughed at Him in their unbelief
wallowing in their deep sorrow and grief.
Then touching her hand as she lay on the bed
….. a resurrection miracle took place.
The life-giving Spirit quickened her soul
and she stood before them alive and whole.
Taken from Talitha, cumi by Royston
When the world says all is lost, and there is no hope, Jesus says, “Have Faith and believe.”
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