Read Luke 12:27-34
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (v. 34).
More than anything else, Christian holiness is a matter of the heart. Jesus is concerned with where our heart is. The heart that He has “fixed” is concerned not with earthly toys, but with heavenly joys (Ps. 112:7). Those who are pure in heart will invest less on things that will fade away, but more on what will shine in eternity's day (Luke 12:27). Sanctified believers have learned that outward garments may be soiled, but true heart holiness cannot be spoiled (Luke 12:28). Jesus said, “Do not be concerned about what you eat and drink, nor be troubled in what you think” (Luke 12:29). Kings and kingdoms will pass away, but the kingdom of God is here to stay (Luke 12:30, 31). Some live for nothing but pleasure; God's people live for heavenly treasure (Luke 12:32, 33). Henry Van Dyke wrote a classic short story, “The Other Wise Man.” He told of a fourth wise man that missed seeing the baby Jesus because he stopped along the way to help others. Over the years he used the treasures he had reserved for the King of kings to help the poor and oppressed. Thirty-three years later he came to Jerusalem at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus. After selling his last treasure to save a young woman from being sold into slavery, a falling roof tile hit him, and he entered into paradise. There he heard one saying to him, “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye hast done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye hast done it unto me” (Matt. 25:40). The last, lost wise man found his King. (Richard Grout)
Is your heart right with God?
This devotional is the Tuesday, March 28, 2017 entry of Opening the Word.
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