The greatest devotional literature is found in the Old Testament in the Book of Psalms. The Psalms can be variously interpreted and widely applied.
No other book has as many writers as the Psalms. David is the best known and most prolific of the psalmists. Many of David's Psalms were written when he was in tight spots as he sought to serve the Lord. Those who wrote the Psalms, along with David, were people who knew how to turn tragedy into triumph, and that is a lesson we need to learn. While at times the writers appear to be weak and fainthearted, they knew the Source of their strength.
Because they are poems and hymns, the Psalms must be read with the heart as well as the head. The Psalms continue to be relevant to modern life as they express emotions and describe experiences that are relevant today.
Here, more than any place in the Bible, the heartthrob of the Christian is heard. Here are the most exalted expressions of God's greatness; here are the bitterest groans of the sinful and the afflicted. Here is something for everyone in every mood.
If your favorite Psalm is missing, perhaps being introduced to a new Psalm will compensate for the loss.
"O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together" (Psalm 34:3).
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