Read 2 Timothy 4:1-5
“But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry” (v. 5).
Paul McGehee was the longest serving employee of the Herald and Banner Press. When but a young man, he approached the editor about employment and was told they were looking for a long-term employee. The young man soon became a dedicated employee in the printing of the church publications. He was dedicated to the business, but also thoroughly committed to God and the doing of His will.
Young McGehee was soft spoken, a polite gentleman. He would gladly take time to visit with another but not at the expense of his work. His work came first — after his relationship with God. In the sixty plus years he worked for Herald and Banner, he was late only a handful of times.
Paul used the old linotype setter with expertise. By himself he set type for the twelve-page Banner each week. He then printed it on an old hand-fed single-sheet press. Besides, he often chose the articles to be used and did the proofing himself. Furthermore, he and Maybelle addressed and mailed the paper each week.
He never asked to be lauded nor rewarded. God gave him meaningful work to do, and he faithfully did it. Surely he will hear the Lord’s “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
God’s call for reapers in the harvest is still ringing out. It may be to a lowly, almost unnoticed field of work, but the Lord sees it all and will appropriately reward. (Ray L Crooks)
Do not let the rush and noise of the world dull your ears from hearing God's call to service.
This is the Tuesday, January 14, 2014, devotional from Opening the Word.