In "Doctrinal Discussion" William Sillings writes:
God's goodness has meaningful applications to our living today . For one thing, it puts definite limits on the kinds of spiritual, physical, emotional, or moral battles we go through as God's people. For instance, when Jesus was about to be crucified, He told Peter that Satan had desired to have them all in order to sift them as wheat through difficult and crushing circumstances, but He had prayed for them that when they were tested, their faith would not fail. The goodness of God limits what Satan is allowed to do. God has promised that nothing will come to us which we cannot bear, for He will, with the temptation, make a way of escape so we will be able to bear it. Second, if God's goodness can be imparted to us in the fruit of the Spirit (as we believe it can), we can be good like God is good. Being finite and human, we will never be perfectly good as God is, but we are partakers of the divine nature. It is not just a fable to talk about being good. God actually intends for us to have His goodness as part of our experience.
Source: Studies in the Psalms: Adult Teacher's Insights, page 68.
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