"Be not far from Me, For trouble is near; For there is none to help" (Psalm 22:11).
How could a loving God allow ___?. How do we fill in the blank? It could be a tragic automobile accident resulting in death or permanent physical disfigurement. It could be the death of a companion, father, mother, or other loved one. Or perhaps the diagnoses came back and it was the dreaded “C” word. Not only does the devastation bring loneliness from people, but even God, Himself, seems removed. But – He is not!
It is so easy to blame God at these times. So many people do and then turn away from Him. How could a loving God allow such pain, such misery? But, He is a loving God. In His love He allowed His only begotten Son to suffer the weight of the sins of all the world for all time. That is an unfathomable burden. That same love is proffered to all who will believe in Him with grace that is sufficient for our need. (Daniel Lee)
The weight of the sins of the world
On His shoulders were hurled.
But His greatest pain
Was His father’s disdain.
Nevertheless, not My Will,
Thine be done
Daniel E. Lee
Christ’s suffering was for us