Side-by-Side Pictures

There are two characters for today’s word pictures, Mary and Martha. Create a separate picture for each one.
We are not to criticize Martha’s service, but to learn the importance of keeping our service to God in proper focus.
Analyze each woman’s weaknesses and strengths. Compare the hospitality of Martha and Mary. Was one sister better than the other?
Did Mary and Martha work as a team? Can two people working together be more effective than when working alone. 
Have the class tell what they admire about Mary and Martha, or about someone else they know.
2018-08-03T09:00:28+00:00August 3rd, 2018|Categories: Teacher Helps|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Martha and Mary: Women of Devoted Service

Focus Text: Luke 10:38-42, John 11:21-29; 12:1-3
Central Truth: God uses the loving service of dedicated Christians to bless others.
Objective: By the end of this lesson my students should be able to identify various ways of serving God, the church, and others today.
Lesson Outline:
I. Displayed Hospitality
II. Believed in Jesus
II. Honored the Lord

2018-07-30T09:00:16+00:00July 30th, 2018|Categories: Lesson Highlights|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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