Sept 6, 2020: Faith
The Difference
Basic to the understanding of this lesson is a grasp of our own depth of faith. Some pray, “God, increase my faith.” We don’t need God to increase our faith. We need to exercise the faith that we have. How solid is the faith that you have in God? If you face shattering circumstances in life, is your trust in Him going to waver?
In Paul’s defense before King Agrippa in Acts 26, he concluded his statement regarding the death and resurrection of Christ by saying, in effect, “This is not a deep dark secret. Check it out for yourself. You believe what the Word of God says, don’t you? It is all there, as plain as day” (vs. 26, 27).
Does the devil bring doubts to your mind? Read the Bible and make up your own mind. It doesn’t make God nervous when we search the Scripture in order to bolster our faith.
Our faith is founded on the great realities of the Bible – a literal creation, the existence of Israel, the miracles of God, the prophecies of the Messiah and their miraculous fulfillment, the marvelous virgin birth of the incarnate Son of the everlasting God, His sinless life, His sacrificial death, His victorious resurrection, and His triumphant ascension into heaven.