A Prayer of Moses
Moses and Aaron had been voted out; Israel was ready to stone them! When God threatened to wipe out these grumblers, Moses stood in the gap. In his prayer, Moses used God’s own promises of protection and provision to implore Him to cancel the death sentence. Other nations had observed God’s provision for this great throng and to wipe them off the map would destroy the nations’ respect for God.
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much,” (James 5:16b). We should never underestimate the power of a single prayer. As pilgrims on this planet, we have a Christian duty to pray for those who have spiritual or physical needs. This begins with our families and extends to the far reaches of the world. Prayer is an investment that pays extraordinary dividends for eternity. Heaven will reveal the miracles wrought through prayer!
We are the seed-sowers, and God delivers the harvest. The prayers of Moses are scattered throughout the Books of Exodus and Numbers. Sometimes the “people cried to Moses,” and at other times he discerned the spiritual void in his people. Thank God for forgiveness and that His mercies are new every morning. We don’t want our children to reap the remunerations of our sins. Stand in the gap for your family and generations to follow! May God keep us faithful in prayer and shower His blessings of mercy to a thousand generations. (Beverly K. Tatum)
Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide; And hear me when I call; Let not my slippery footsteps slide, And hold me lest I fall. — Isaac Williams
Lord, help us to be faithful to our generation and leave behind road signs pointing to the heavenly path!