Divine Reassurance
Read Daniel 9:20-23
“Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation” (v. 21).
We humans have an innate desire to communicate and be heard and understood by other people. I see this desire in my three-year-old’s face as he tries to get his story out over the noise and distractions of his older brothers. Being ignored or drowned out by the sea of competing sounds is a frustrating experience for him. In those times, stooping down to his level, looking into his eyes, and placing a hand on his arm is the encouragement he needs that someone is listening and cares about what matters to him.
In this passage, Daniel pours out his heart in intercessory prayer, and God sends an angel to reassure him that he is “greatly beloved” and to reveal some astonishing details about God’s work in the future for his people. In our times of prayer, we also may be anguished and burdened for the needs of those around us. In these moments, our Heavenly Father hears us, and it is a blessing when we feel His encouraging touch, reassuring us of His great love and concern for the things that matter to us. (Stephen B. Smith)