Studying the miracles of Jesus should be an interesting and thrilling study this quarter. Miracles covering a wide spectrum of problems and miraculous solutions are considered, and it is quite likely every teacher and student will identify with some special need, since we still have this treasure in an "earthen vessel." Several benefits can arise from this study.
One advantage is that our own faith will be encouraged as we read of those receiving miracles who had come to Christ with just a little faith. Perhaps the Lord can use these studies to challenge the increase of our faith to the point of seeing new and thrilling miracles around our own churches and homes. Another benefit is that we can recognize that with God nothing is impossible. Some of the cases He dealt with seemed so totally beyond human help -- and indeed were -- but did not exceed the divine power. May we realize afresh that we, as children of God, have access to our Heavenly Father's divine power for the needs that face us in these momentous days.
Important, also, is the recognition that the miracles performed by Christ had a tremendous effect on the outside world. Many became His followers as a result of these demonstrations of His power and authority. Those of us who have seen unusual miracles also know that they have had great effect, both within and without the church. Our young people need to see these divine manifestations; so does the Church; so does the world.
May we this quarter learn anew to pray simple, believing, powerful prayers that move mountains in providing mighty miracles.
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